I go on and on about intuition because it truly is life changing when you learn to listen to your intuition. Every single person on this planet has access to their intuition. It’s a river of deep wisdom that runs through you and your body. The question is whether you let yourself listen to it.
And if the answer to this question is yes. Then the next question is: How do you listen to your intuition? That’s a great question. The answer varies for everyone. In short, the answer is that you must create the right conditions and environment in order to strength your relationship with your intuition. In order to listen to your heart’s inner guidance.
Have you planted a plant or flower? Do you remember giving it the right amount of sunshine, water, and space to blossom and flourish? There were days when you had to actively pour sunshine, water, and whole lot of love and attention? Other days, you stepped away and let it do its own magic. You couldn’t see the magic, but it was happening under the soil in the roots.
In Enchanted Silence, remember when Shivani decides she’s done listening to her aunt Anita, ex fiance Shaan, and everyone else. She decides she is ready to listen to her self. To listen to her Enchanted Silence. In other words, her magical intuition. That is when her life begins to transform. Her relationship with Alan Nicolaisen flourishes. She gets the courage to speak up at her work.
Intuition is very similar. First, you make the clear choice you’d like to listen to your intuition. Once that choice is made, there is some cleaning up and decluttering to do. Chances are the environment and conditions aren’t perfect. You haven’t been listening to your intuition all this time or even for several years, so it’s going to take some proactive, action steps to get there.
Stillness and space is one of the best ways to access your intuition. When I speak about creating the environment for your to listen to intuition, this is what I mean in actual, practical steps: Clear time in your schedule and have space in your day to day life to be with yourself. To simply be.
Last year, when I was going through my unraveling process where I had to surrender, I knew there was something transforming happening behind the surfaces.
Even though there was much letting go for me to do, the only way I could truly embrace my surrender and letting go and process it fully was to have time and space to do it.
I couldn’t be too social and go out. It was me putting my head down and feeling everything deeply. Allowing myself to heal with this gift of time and space to myself.
My body responded in a similar way. When I made myself be more active and get busy, it just didn’t want to or let me. Perhaps you’re not going through a deep unraveling process like I was last year, even then it is essential to create the space and time.
I definitely understand the busy time we live in, giving time and attention to our jobs, relationships, and friendships. Then, wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual and allow yourself to lay still on your bed and become aware of your thoughts. Set time aside for prayer or meditation. Or keep one day on the weekend where you spend the day with yourself and do things that fill you up with joy.
I find the best practice for me is to stay anchored in the present moment. I let the moment dictate how I want to flow and allow my intuition be my inner compass. My intuition carries two different flavors. It carries information to me in a light, breezy, gentle way. It comes and tickles my body and soul and I flow in the direction of the guidance.
Other times, my intuition is persistent and tugging at me to take a specific action or give my attention to something. I try to ignore it and it gets louder and louder, so I end up doing what it asks me to. I do want to add that yes, listening to your intuition leads to beautiful creations, actions, and moments. It makes sense afterwards why you felt called to listen to your guidance.
There are also several times when you feel compelled to do something and it doesn’t lead to a pleasant or desired outcome or moment. It brings up pain or stirs intense emotions within you. Sometimes, listening to your intuition leads to this and it is still for your higher good. It’s all part of a grand unfolding that you don’t understand at the time and makes sense later.
All in all, take the time to cultivate a stronger relationship with your intuition moment by moment and give yourself the time and space to listen to your inner guidance with clarity.
Sensual Practices: I love connecting to my inner sensualist by doing breast massages on myself. There is a process to doing breast massages and you can do a quick search online to learn more about the technique and process. It is said much emotion, pain, and energy is stuck in your heart and chest area and doing breast massages often brings up such emotions. I found myself crying when I started doing them initially, though I cleared emotion and pain in my body and I felt lighter and better. Either immediately or some time after, I found guidance come to me. I found my body holding deep wisdom.
Intuitive Practices:
Meditation is another favorite way of mine to connect to my intuition. I do guided meditations and listen to simple nature sounds to meditate. I also even lay in my bed or sofa or sit upright and simply breathe in and out and let the guidance come to me. To be honest, this is a practice that takes time. Meditation is just like anything else. It takes consistency and practice. You may feel your guidance flows to you so clearly one day and another day, not much comes to you. When that happens, go about your day and you’ll find you’ll receive answers or guidance several days or weeks later.
I also like to have variety and even meditation gets boring at times, so I journal or freehand write or walk or drive randomly or even go out and meet a friend to get my body moving and feeling joy and I find that strengthens my relationship with intuition in a beautiful, sparkling way.
If this post resonated with you and you’d like to cultivate a stronger relationship with your intuition so you can hear your inner guidance with clarity, please get in touch with me and schedule time with me to become more Wildly intimate with your desires and goals. I’d love to hold space for your own deep transformation, dear Wildly Intimate Woman.
Image source: thetypographyart.co.uk

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