I have many friends, but I would say I have very few close friends. People I can actually count on. Some I know longer than others, but the connection with each of them is equally strong.
Cultivate and Nurture Your Friendships
I have learned that growing a friendship is like growing a plant or flower. You have to water the plant, provide food, and shower it with sunlight in order for the plant to blossom.
A friendship is similar. Time, attention, care, and love are the necessary ingredients needed to grow and blossom a friendship.
Related: Making Space for Miracles to Happen
Spend Time With Your Girlfriends
Don’t take your friendships for granted. Even if you have a fantastically strong connect with her, take time out to speak with her. See what’s going on in her life.
I have friends with whom I speak to every couple months. I wish we could speak more often, but it’s not always possible with our busy schedules. Well, even every couple months helps keep our friendship growing and it shows we care about each another! This is how we “water” our friendships.
Connect with Them Emotionally
Most of all, for any true relationship or friendship to withstand the test of time is to make yourself vulnerable. Share your emotions and give your girlfriends the space to do so, too. That emotional connect is what will glue you together.
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