I have a close friend who is going through a challenging, difficult period in his life. I am trying to support him and provide words of encouragement. He is an extremely talented man and it’s only a matter of time that success and happiness will fall into his lap.
I couldn’t help, but be reminded of that time in my life. When it was happening, time seemed so slow yet fast. I was living in my own bubble. It took time to crawl out of it.
Related: Receive Gifts and Love Graciously With An Open Heart
Let Go of Control
I noticed results and changes in my life when I stopped trying to control the outcome. I just accepted that my life was a mess. Everything around me was spiraling out of control.
I took a step back and just surrendered to the chaos. A strange clarity came to me in those moments.
Take it Moment by Moment
Images and ideas bubbled into my mind. A vision formed about what I had to do to get out of it. But I first took baby steps. I stopped thinking a year into the future. Even a week ahead. I just thought about what I could do at that moment to make myself feel better. To feel positive.
Drinking tea made me feel better. Partying less made me feel calmer. Paying one manageable bill made me feel productive. I just took it one day at a time.
Don’t Give Up, Miracles Are on Their Way!
As time progressed and I kept attending to my deepest needs and desires, I grew. I felt enormously better. Of course, there were days and moments that I would cry my eyes out. Heck, I still do that even today. But I didn’t stop myself. I accepted even that part of me.
And when I released those feelings, I felt immediately lighter afterwards. And I stayed true to my desires and vision. Because every time I was ready to give up, some sign came that signaled to me that everything was going to be alright. And surely miracles were on their way. They still are 🙂
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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