I’m a big fan of Indian films and especially of Shah Rukh Khan. I had to read this article written by him which was titled: “Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac.”
Humanity Carries Into Every Area of Our Lives
In it, he talks about how he believes humanity is something we carry with us in every area of our lives. And you do not need to take part in causes or organizations to make a change. All you have to do is show some compassion towards your fellow human citizens and yourself. If you show some kindness and open your heart, then there may be no need for causes.
Take Effort to Be Kind Every Day
As Shah Rukh Khan put it beautifully, “No one would have to take up great causes if each of us made a little effort to open our minds towards each other and be kind every day. No one would feel the need to “save the world” if we all understood the immensity of our universe, its sheer beauty and the wonderful gift of life that it has given us.”
Check it out. Not only is it thoroughly humorous, but deeply engaging. Here is the full link below:
I’m a big fan of Indian films and especially of Shah Rukh Khan. I had to read this article written by him which was titled: “Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac.”
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* This blog post appeared originally on My Pure Intuition

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