Have you ever been confused in a relationship? Is your partner pushing you towards marriage? Is your parents pushing you to “seal the deal”?
Do You Stay Together or Not?
If you’re in the dating stage, then it’s fine to have these doubts. It’s natural. But it’s not so simple if you’ve been in a relationship and then you develop doubts and questions in your head.
Gauge whether these are normal thoughts you’re having. Are you having these doubts because of something else that occurred? Was your partner unfaithful previously? Is it his past? Figure out the reason first so you can see what course of action to take.
Let Time Pass
Let some time pass to see how real these feelings are. To see if these are just temporary thoughts that will vanish or whether they continue to linger and become stronger.
Talk to Him – Be Upfront
If your feelings and doubts persist, then you need to summon the courage and be completely honest with him. Tell him why you’re having these questions and thoughts. Be calm but gentle. Let him explain his side and address any doubts or questions he has. It’s important this gets out in the open on both sides.
If his reaction is not so positive, then you may have to stand your ground while being calm and collected. You have a right to express your feelings.
Take a Break or Break Up
Don’t rush this step, but you should only be in a relationship that brings out your best and vice versa. Considering taking a break and giving each other space so you can make a decision. If the relationship is no longer serving you, you may even have to make the decision to separate. Think carefully and examine your feelings. Listen to your heart.
Have you ever been confused in a relationship? What did you do? Please share with me in the comments.

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