Ever been at work and suddenly that topic comes up? You know what topic I’m talking about! That subject that gets people all hot and pissy! It gets them worked up. They have strong opinions about it. This can cross into dangerous territory especially at the work place.
Discuss “Safe” Topics at Work
It’s all the more important to ensure you discuss the safe topics. I get it. When you’re at the workplace, you probably spend more time there than even at your home. You develop friendships and relationships with your co-workers.
You eat lunch together. You take coffee breaks. You laugh and discuss all sorts of things under the sun. Over the years, I have become very friendly with my co-workers and they actually became my friends eventually.
But you must never forget that they are still your co-workers at the end of the day. You are at work and no matter how close you can be to them, topics like politics, social issues, religion, and other similar subjects should be avoided.
Steer the Conversation When It Gets Dangerous
People get very touchy about such topics. It brings out interesting behaviors in them. You’ll see a different side of them that will shock you, so it’s better to not go there at all. You don’t want it to affect your work relationship and dynamics. Change the subject or gracefully exit the conversation.
Set Boundaries
From the outset, set boundaries. But if an incident does happen where you find yourself in the midst of a chaotic conversation, then gracefully steer away.
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