You know those days when you’re just not feeling your best. Your energy is low and your mind is buzzing with nervousness.
Here’s my secret weapon I use to raise my vibration:
Identify Your Feelings
The first thing I do is identify what I’m feeling. Am I sad or angry? Am I feeling upset or disappointed? I pop open my journal and write them down. Or if I’m at work, I’ll even open a Microsoft Word document and type my thoughts down.
What Triggered the Feelings?
Don’t be judgmental of yourself. Don’t tell yourself you shouldn’t be a cry baby. Don’t feel guilty. Your emotions are normal for you to feel.
Rather, determine what exactly triggered those feelings in the first place. Was it something someone said? What changed your vibration? What changed your mood?
Figure Out the Emotional Motivation
Once you’ve determined what triggered them, then the most important step is to figure out the emotional motivation behind your triggers. Usually, this is a old, deep wound. There is a deep, penetrating reason why you were triggered. It is linked to a childhood or family issue. Or some recurring theme in your life.
Take 100% Responsibility
Deal with that wound. Take full responsibility. Instead of pushing the discomfort aside, feel it completely. Cry. Let the tears fall. No matter how hard the discomfort can feel, gently guide yourself through the process.
Be Compassionate Toward Yourself
And then once you have gone through the discomfort, show compassion towards yourself. Be immensely kind to yourself. This is when self care comes into practice. What do you need at this moment? Do you want to take a hot shower? Do you want to snuggle and read a book? Do you want to meet up with a girlfriend? Do what your heart desires.
Be Honest to Yourself and Anyone Else
The reason why it’s important to do all the steps above is because once you feel what you are feeling fully and understand the triggers and emotional motivations behind it, they wont’ be festering in you. They won’t lie stuck in you energetically. Your energy frees up and can flow more easily.
You can finally be honest to yourself. And sometimes, your feelings can be triggered by someone else. So you can sit down with that person and be honest to he or she about how you’re feeling. Let them also tell their side of the story and feelings to you. Just sit through it.
After all the above steps, your vibration will certainly change and uplift for the best!
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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