Long distance love is tricky, but can be lasting and successful as long as lots of understanding and care are thrown into the mix. I have some friends who are in this type of relationship and here are some pointers they have given me!
Be Clear About Expectations
I wouldn’t suggest going with the flow in this kind of relationship. It’s better to have a frank, open discussion from the outset and plan some things ahead. Where do you both see this going? Why do you want to do this? These are important questions to ask now, so you can ensure you’re both on the same page.
Enjoy Your Time Together and Space
Don’t feel guilty about the arrangement. Sometimes, life gets in the way, and you have to make the most of what you have. If this was by choice, you two would be living near each other. But that’s not the case, so cherish the time you spend together and enjoy the space away. Cultivate other interests and socialize and explore other facets of your personality.
Remember Why You’re Doing this
There will not be easy moments in this relationship. You’ll start to wonder why you’re doing this. The physical and emotional support are not the same in a long distance relationship. But think about why you’re doing this in the first place. Be honest to yourself. If those reasons still ring true to you, then it will make it easier for you.
Spice Up Your Relationship
The spark can still be there. Here’s the secret: be creative! You can whisper dirty nothings through the phone or Skype. Or send naughty text messages randomly. Even when you’re not physically present, he’ll miss you and feel your presence.
Have you experienced a long distance relationship? Please share with me in the comments.

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