I believe in the beauty of desires. I also see my dreams and desires keep getting bigger and bigger. It’s my heart-driven energy expanding and calling in even bigger experiences and things into my life.
I am at this strange, yet magnificent point right now. My heart is bubbling with many desires for 2015. I am working on manifesting them. But while your dreams take their time to become a reality, you have your life at this moment to live.
Pay Attention to Your Life Now While Embracing Your Desires
Do the things that make you happy today. Spend time with people who uplift you now. When you’re always trying to get “there,” then you don’t look at all the wonderful things in your life now. Is your job helping you pave the way for your ultimate passion? Is your job allowing you to take care of your household while you’re figuring out your life? Then, be thankful for that.
The more you feel grateful, the more you will call in greatness into your life.
Tap into What You Want to Feel Now
Instead of waiting for your desires to manifest to feel joyous, feel the joy at this moment. Living in this way helps you to keep your mind and heart open so you can be living intuitively moment by moment.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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