I admit it. When I decided to move out of my family home, I did it with only one intention: I wanted to do whatever the heck I wanted and not have to deal with my mother’s questions on marriage.
Ultimately though, I learned many lessons by living on my own.
Making Doctor Appointments
When you’re not feeling well, your doctor appointments are not going to be made magically. You have to find a doctor through your insurance coverage and pick up the phone, darling!
Cleaning the Bathrooms and Showers
When you lived at home, you probably never even realized your bathrooms, showers, and bath tubs were clean. Maybe you thought the cleaning fairy cleaned them for you. Um, no. It was your mother. Living on your own means you’re responsible for your own cleaning!
Making My Meals
This one went right over my head. I made home cooked meals at my place when I first moved in. I took my sweet time, but when the dish was complete, it never quite tasted like my mother’s! And then the busier I got with the above points, I started to slack off and eat out frequently. Lesson learned: Make home cooked food over the weekend and pack extras in the fridge.
Keeping Yourself Fit
Being healthy is a luxury! Make sure you allocate time to go to the gym, or those pounds are gonna start piling on…
Not Spending Your Entire Weekend Partying and Drinking Away
There comes a point when partying and drinking is no longer fun over the weekends. When a friend asks you about your weekend plans, you reply, “Oh, I gotta clean my place and run some errands.”
Paying for Yourself
There’s no mommy and daddy to take care of the water, electricity, and internet bills. Living on your own means paying for yourself.
Have you lived on your own? What was your experience? Please share with me in the comments.

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