I picked up this line from an interview I was listening to: Make your decisions now about who you want to be.
This resonated deeply with me. We wait too long to become who we want to be. Why do we wait?
Fear Stops US
We feel scared and the fear gets the best of us. We assume that we can’t be the vision we see for ourselves.
It’s natural to have fear, but it becomes dangerous when it gets in our way every SINGLE time.
Make Your Decisions Now About Who You Want to Become
Start making decisions about who you want to be for every part of your life – career, romance, friendship, finances, etc.
I highly encourage you to write down your desires or better yet, intentions, for the different areas of your life. Once you have a clear vision about each area, then you can think about the things you can start doing now.
They Don’t Have to Be Big Decisions, Baby Steps are Great
If you feel scared and confused, it’s natural. You don’t need to take huge steps and decisions now and try to make everything happen right away. You can take baby steps.
When I wanted to write my novel Enchanted Silence, I knew I wanted to sign with a literary agent and land a publishing deal. I wanted to spend my time being a creative person and writer full-time.
At the time, there were fears in me about how realistic my desires were. But I decided to go with it anyway. I didn’t overwhelm myself though. I bought a book about writing fiction for dummies and enrolled in an online writing course. I didn’t push myself too much. I gave myself the time and space to explore my feelings, but yet started taking steps towards possibly making my dream a reality.
The Journey Will Lead the Way
This attitude can apply to any part of my life. I’ve started adopting the same strategy for other areas – romance and finances. I’m dipping my foot in the romance waters and trying to be braver and more vulnerable than I ever was. I am realizing I can have more than sufficient money at my hands, so I’m taking baby steps to actualize these desires.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

Great post! This is exactly what I am doing are right. Stepping into the unknown, showing up ways for myself that I have never before and just taking it one day at a time. My mind has freaked out a lot, but keeping myself connected to my being has been the anchor. I wish you success in your endeavors for love. You are attract what you are not what you want.
Gosh, tell me about it, Kajal! I tend to start over thinking about the outcome or planning too much. Taking it one day at a time and focusing on having a beautiful day is simpler and helps you stay connected to your inner self. Beautiful line, you’re right, you attract what you are, not what you desire.
With Love,