There is a tendency for people to feel the grass is greener on the other side. That kind of thinking will not serve any purpose. But what if you did the exact opposite? No matter what challenge you may be going through, what if you thought about the good things in your past and present?
Remember the Good Times
Think about the beautiful times you had in the past. Think about the great experiences you had recently. It can be little moments with your loved ones and even pets. My pet dog Raja brings so much happiness.
When he looks at me, I smile. When my mother makes me a home cooked meal, my heart fills with goodness. If you look deep enough, you will see the beauty around you.
You can write in your journal the good things and moments as they happen to you. When you read it later, you will be amazed.
Remember the Great People
Think about your family and friends. Reflect on the wonderful things your romantic partner may have done for you. Appreciate them. Make a scrapbook of photos so you can turn back to the photos and remember the love you share with these people.
You can buy a couple photo frames and place photos with your loved ones in them. Hang them up in your room or house. You can look at them everyday!
Cherish the good things and people in your life.
Do you remember the good times? How does it make you feel? Please share with me in the comments!

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