Let’s pray for all those affected and especially the lives of their loved ones on September 11. And let’s also forgive. I’m not suggesting to forgive those who committed this act on our fellow Americans and loved ones. I don’t know whether we should or not, and I’ll leave that open for you to interpret.
I am, however, suggesting to forgive ourselves. We Americans must forgive ourselves for what happened. It’s only when we forgive, that we can move forward to protect and shine the light on our future generations.
A Gift You Give Yourself
Anne Lamott had wisely said: “Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.”
Gosh, when you were angry with someone, how did your body and mind feel? You must have been feeling heavy and tense, like you were carrying the world’s weight.
As soon as you let go of the anger and sadness, you must have felt light and free. It doesn’t even matter if the person in question had changed or apologized. This has to do with how you feel because that’s the only thing you can control.
The reality is your life is busy and filled with family and friends who do care about you. You have ambitions and desires you want to fulfill in life. I get it, when something happens or someone does or says something outrageous, you want to mop around. You want to be angry and sad.
But life is moving every second and if you don’t forgive for your sake, you won’t be able to move forward and see all the goodness waiting for you.
So for your sake, please forgive.
How did you feel when you forgave someone or something in your life? Please share with me in the comments.

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