I am an independent and ambitious woman with a mind of my own. I make my own decisions and am in control. But that same sense of control can spill into relationships.
Let Yourself Soften in a Relationship
When I exhibit control in my relationships, I am in action mode. I am not keeping myself open to receiving. I have noticed one thing about myself when I do this. I become too closed and keep strong boundaries in place.
My inner self becomes hard. Why not let myself soften and open myself more up to him? Embrace my sensual, feminine side. This way, I can be more receptive to him.
Allow the Man to be A Man
Let him be a man. Let him serenade you and make you feel desired and protected. Give him the joy of doing things for you if he wants to. For example: I dated men who insisted on paying for our meals and dates most of the time.
I cringed. I didn’t want him to pay. I would insist on paying or at least splitting the bill. But he wouldn’t let me. I realized why couldn’t I sit back and let him do it. He wanted to do it.
Related: What to Do if Your Boyfriend Keeps Talking about His Ex Girlfriend
Watch Him Rise as He is Needed
And when he did it, he was filled with joy. His face just glowed. This is a simple example, but as a woman, you must soften up and allow him to be a man. He will rise as he is needed. And he will adore you 🙂
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