Many of us are at jobs we don’t enjoy and love. I’m always enthralled when I ask someone what they do for a living and they answer with the most gooey eyes. I can see the spark of happiness in their eyes and making its way to their lips opening into a tiny smile. An authentic smile.
I find my own heart flutter when I witness this beauty in someone. It’s not a common sight to see such people.
The majority of the time I come across people who are quite the opposite. So how do you deal with a job you don’t like? Especially when you can’t throw in your notice and step on a yacht to vacation away?
Be Thankful for the Job You Have
Start by acknowledging the good things about having your job. It may be paying your bills and bringing food to the table. It may be keeping you busy.
Start Feeling Happy and Satisfied NOW
Don’t wait for something to happen to feel happy. Start feeling that feeling NOW. When you start feeling what you want to feel, you’ll attract what you want to come faster to you.
Take Tiny Steps Towards What Does Make You Happy
Sometimes, our dreams and desires seem impossible. Believe me, they really aren’t. If you don’t have complete faith, then give yourself the chance to at least dream. My dream was to write a novel and I am still surprised it happened. But I took baby steps. I held my own hand and took these baby steps, when there wasn’t anyone else to guide me.
What are some ways you are doing to deal with a job you don’t love and enjoy? Please share with me in the comments!

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