You’ve probably heard many times that you should just do your best and move on. Don’t over think or over analyze. It’s true, it’s important to give your best to anything you’re doing. But what too many people don’t realize is that your best will change every moment.
Your Best Will Change Each Moment
How you are feeling now may change tomorrow. Today can be an easygoing, relaxing day. Tomorrow may be filled with many commitments and end up being a chaotic day. Do your best given the current circumstances.
Life may get in the way. Maybe you’re down with a cold, then obviously your best will be different than when you’re in prime health and raring to go.
There may be last minute changes and when you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breathe and relax. Settle your energy and do the best you can at that moment.
Fall In Love with the Present Moment
Don’t take a step backwards or jump too far into the future. Doing this prevents you from enjoying what’s in front of you. While you spend time thinking about the past or future, the present moment escapes you.
Also, remember if you’re not having a great moment or day, remember that it will always pass. Another moment will come that can be filled with beauty.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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