I’ve been thinking about sensuality, femininity, and spirituality a lot recently. I consciously see myself as a spiritual, energetic soul having a human experience on earth.
I am playing with the idea that the world is a physical plane and one of the beauties of having the human experience is about enjoying the pleasures and joys of being a woman. But several questions have tugged my heart: Can I evoke my sensuality as a feminine woman and yet work on my spiritual self? How do I merge my sensuality with my spiritual essence?
Merging Body with Spirit
These questions got me thinking. I feel I have gone through my share of confusion and awkwardness of finding who I am as a person throughout my 20s. Being 29 now, I finally feel a greater connect with who I am today. But some of the awkwardness still remains.
While I have worked on my spiritual self, I am disconnected from my physical body. What I mean is that I see my spiritual self and my earthy sensuality as two very distinct separate things. I have a clear boundary etched across those two areas of my life.
Because I feel I can’t be spiritual in my sensuality and femininity and I can’t be sensual and feminine in my spirituality. Get it?!
The Purpose of Merging the Two
Well, now, I have been gorgeously called to merge my body with soul. To merge my body with spirit. I did some research and thinking and came up with some ideas to help me feel this deeper connection. I have begun practicing them to feel more comfortable in my skin.
There are many reasons for why I am choosing to merge them. I want to love with every cell with my body. I want to feel at home with my body. I want my soul to feel light and happy as I am going through the human experience on this earth. I want to share a joyful relationship with my body, the world, and my mind. I want to feel greater intimacy with myself and a romantic partner.
I want to clear my blocks and fears through this merging. I want to become cleaner, raise my vibration, and carry an magnetizing aura.
When you enjoy the beauties of being a human and reveling in your womanhood, you allow yourself to feel connected to your spirit and the Source, the creative, powerful energy that creates all.
1) Naps and Sleep
Napping and sleeping is a wonderful way to connect to your body and spirit deeply. Your mind quiets down while sleeping and your subconscious switches on. When I feel antsy or sad and can’t pinpoint why, I fall into deep sleep. I can feel my subconscious working in my sleep. I receive answers and flashes of guidance through sleep.
Sometimes, this guidance is electrically in my face. Other times, it’s very subtle. I would hardly notice if I didn’t pay attention to my body’s response. I also feel comfortable and decadent in my skin when I’m sleeping. I feel strangely sensual and grounded in my body and spirit.
2) Music and Dance
Music is a beautiful way to experience peaceful bliss and spirituality. It helps you to melt into softness and your femininity. You can choose to dance to the music or sing along to the lyrics. It will help you become intensely present and appreciate your own magnificence and beauty.
Essentially, anything creative like dance, painting, or writing can merge your spirituality and sensuality.
Here is a link to some great playlists by Susana Frioni that will get you more grounded in your body and spirit. I love these playlists and especially listen to the LSD: Sexual Seduction and LSD: Melt into Softness.
3) Slow Down
A common aspect of both spirituality and sensuality is about not rushing, but savoring the moment. It is about enjoying the beautiful sunset and taking a moment to pause and breathe.
As you do this more often, you feel this divine connection with yourself. It also makes you more appealing and naturally beautiful as a woman. Who doesn’t love a woman who can stop to enjoy the beauties and joys of life?
Next time you’re waiting for something or someone, notice the world around you. Don’t look at your phone or text. Focus on your breath and feel deeply rooted in the moment.
4) Be Present
For some time, history has told humans to ignore their body and its responses. We have been told that to get in touch with our spirit was not through our body, but mind. That is absolutely not true and finally do we realize that the ONLY way to get connected to the Source (Universe / God / Infinite Intelligence) and our soul is through our body.
The ways to get connected to your body and spirit may vary – be it yoga, meditation, massage, or nature, but the ONLY way for this deep connection to occur is through the body. And for this ecstatic, peaceful connection, you must be intensely present.
Take pleasures in simple things like a conversation with your partner, rain falling, making a cup of coffee, walking, or breathing.
5) Food
Food is a portal to instantly connect to your body as well. Pay close attention to the foods you are consuming. Are they healthy? And more importantly, how do they make you feel?
In addition, take some time to actually sit down and enjoy your meal. Relish the experience of cooking a meal for yourself or someone else. Notice how at home you feel in your body as you dice vegetables, gather ingredients, and cook.
I notice when I eat healthy and occasionally indulge in a rich dessert or meal, my energy levels vibrate at a fine, light vibration. My state of mind shifts, too, and this is because connecting to my spirit is through my physical body.
6) Sex
Sex is in your face everywhere today! It is perceived as either a way of procreation or instant gratification. And in respect to womanhood and sexuality, sex usually carries an undertone of shame and discomfort as well.
Growing up, I felt embarrassed and awkward about my own sexuality. Instead of sex being a beautiful natural bodily function, I saw it as something shameful and dirty.
I have learned that sex is a completely natural part of the human experience. Sex is a portal to experience unlimited bliss and peace and drop into a deeper level of connection with yourself and your partner. It’s a fusion of soul and body.
So have lots of sex – whether it is with a partner or self! Enjoy the miracle of feeling your body and soul merge through this experience.
7) Baths
Turn on some music, light some candles, and let the bubbly water run in the bath tub. Wash every part of your body and relish in the delightful experience of melting into your feminine softness.
I love taking baths before going on a date or after a busy day. I relax immediately and feel the tension and tightness melt away. I feel connected to every part of my body. I feel cleansed and fresh.
A practice I have taken on is to say loving words to my body, especially to the parts I find imperfect and flawed. This can be a gorgeously transforming, spiritual self-love practice.
8) Walks
Anything that helps you to slow down and brings you back to the present moment is what connects you to your spirit and body. Walks are a perfect way to do this. Go for a walk in your neighborhood. Surround yourself with nature. I enjoy going for walks and hiking trails in the woods or forests.
There is something so soothing about letting the crisp air fall around you that it fills you up with joy and peace. It gets the body moving and the soul’s spirit crackling.
9) Massages
I am in love with massages. I think I could get one every week! I stick to getting massages a couple times a year, however I want to reach a level of getting one every month.
Having a massage is a great way to treat yourself. It’s a luxury. Luxury doesn’t necessarily equate to the number of dollars being spent. It can be a reasonably priced massage or one you do on yourself with coconut oil. Regardless, you are pampering yourself and letting yourself ooze sensuality.
I love giving massages to my partner or him giving me one. There is something so sexy about it!
As you get a massage performed on yourself, feel every part of your body deeply. Listen to your body. Listen to your soul’s whispers at this time. I have found my spirit to be high and blissful and have received beautiful nuggets of wisdom after being in a relaxed state of mind and presence.
10) Energy Healing
Energy healing is working with your energy to heal your blockages and clear them. It is improving the flow of energy in your body to promote your physical and spiritual health. You can learn more about it online or work with an energy healer to heal yourself.
Working with energy will allow you to connect to your divine femininity and sensuality because everything and everyone in this world is ultimately energy. You can unlock your masculine and feminine energy and learn to dance between the two.
11) Yoga
I am definitely not a yoga expert. I can’t say I have been practicing for years. Only recently, I have gotten into the practice of yoga. I found yoga to be boring initially and didn’t have the patience to go through a full class.
Instead, I have adopted a more flexible, fluid practice. I do Shilpa Shetty’s quick 15 minute full body yoga workout. 15 minutes is just perfect for me and I can fit it into my schedule easily. The exercises are not too easy nor too difficult.
Even this simple yoga practice has gotten me to awaken the spirit in my body. I feel more connected to my energy and heart. I feel balanced and I notice how each exercise makes my body workout and brings peace and intense clarity.
12) Meditation
Lastly, I am falling in love with the practice of meditation more and more every day. Again, I am certainly no expert and there are many practices out there. I keep things very simple. I lie down or sit upright with my eyes closed. I breathe in and out, with a guided meditation track playing or in silence.
It quietens my mind and I can feel my ego peeling away to reveal my soul’s desires and guidance instead. These sparks of guidance occur because I am feeling the intense flow and connection of my body and spirit. I feel delightfully sensual and peaceful all at the same time.
What are some of the ways you evoke your sensuality? How do you merge your body and spirit? I’d love to hear from you! Please share with me in the comments.

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