“Well-being is not just a mere pleasurable sensation. It is a deep sense of serenity and fulfillment.”
Well-Being is Not Just a Passing, Pleasurable Sensation
Being in a state of happiness and peace is more than just a temporary, fleeting feeling. It’s a deep sense of fulfillment you feel every moment, even during moments that bring you pain, angst, and confusion.
Related: The Universe Drops You Little Notes!
Gratitude is a Daily Practice
One way to feel this deep sense of well-being is to practice gratitude daily. It’s a simple five-minute habit that completely transforms your life. Make a list of the things you’re grateful for. I do this every other day and sometimes every other week, depending on how much time I have.
It allows you to focus on all the wonderful things and people in your life, instead of the opposite.
Turn Inwards for a Deep Sense of Serenity
Most of all, well-being is not drawing happiness from your external world. Relationships and material possessions are important and bring you some satisfaction, but they will not bring you lasting happiness, until you don’t feel that deep sense of serenity in your heart and soul.
Turn inwards and be the source of what you seek.
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