I have been thinking about relationships a lot recently. Maybe this is inspired by my own life and the fact that I’ve been watching a lot of Sex and The City recently.
On a more serious note, I can’t help but think about how relationships play a profound role in our lives. We all crave a loving, deeply meaningful relationship, yet obviously things aren’t as simple as we think. Either way, relationships teach us loads about ourselves.
They are powerful teachers and provide immense wisdom.
Look at Your Relationships as Powerful Teachers
Every relationship is meant to teach you about yourself. They trigger emotions and cause emotional inner blocks to rise. They help you to better understand yourself.
So ask yourself: What is this relationship throwing light on about myself? How can I grow? What are the lessons for me to learn?
Clear the Emotions and Inner Blocks
Inevitably, relationships bring attention to your inner blocks. They cause the trigger points to appear. Those deep wounds from previous relationships or childhood or any past experience that haven’t been fully resolved will definitely rise.
Your relationship is an opportunity for you to work through these blocks and clear the emotions.
Pay Attention to What Your Heart Truly Desires
Ultimately, whether the relationship works out or not does not matter, but what does matter is understanding your heart’s desires.
Really observe yourself. Determine what your heart truly desires. What do you want out of your partner? How do you want to behave in a relationship? How do you want to uplift one another in a relationship?
Keep Your Ego Out of the Picture
This one is hard. Ego comes into the picture sometimes. Don’t judge yourself when you respond from a place of control, fear, anxiety, or insecurity.
Instead observe yourself. And then do some inner work. Peel the layers of ego off and be real with yourself.
Be honest to yourself and even your partner.
Keep Your Heart Open
Always, always, and always keep your heart open! Even during challenging times. It’s easy to keep your heart closed, but keeping it open is difficult.
You can only create a true connection with yourself and your partner when you keep your heart open and give yourself permission to be vulnerable.
Fill Yourself With Love
Overfill your life and heart with love. Let it spill into all the areas of your life, so you can be a better person and partner.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.
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