“Things can be really empty in this world, and I don’t just mean the music world. It can become a very meaningless place if you don’t really understand: ‘who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing?’ To feel fulfillment and have a deeper level of understanding, personally, that is the most important thing.” – Alicia Keys
Have you wondered this? Thought about why are you here in this world? Consciously or subconsciously, you wonder about the meaning of your life.
That question tugged at me a lot in my teenage years and twenties. The question kept getting louder in my heart. I couldn’t ignore the question.
Everyone Has an Individual Answer
The question is the same, but the answer is different for everyone. What brings you meaning and fulfillment requires a deep level of understanding and being connected to your heart. In recent times, that answer is becoming clearer to me. For example: having this website and writing about my experiences gives me a deep sense of fulfillment. I enjoy connecting with people across the globe.
What’s the answer to that question for you?
You Have to Find Out that Answer All By Yourself
You can read as many books or blogs. You can watch as many videos about people telling you the meaning of life. But you must find out the answer all by yourself.
Did you ever wonder about why you’re here? Please share with me in the comments.

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