What was your experience when you were ready to have sex? How did you know? Or perhaps you are a virgin and considering having sex. Maybe you are wondering how do you know when you’re ready.
I put together five essential points that will point you in the right direction. You’ll be able to better gauge whether you’re ready for this big step.
Understand What Sex Is
There are actually varying definitions of sex. Most consider vaginal sex to be sex. However, sex can mean other things, too. It can be simply engaging in sexual activity that does not consist of intercourse. Or it can involve penetration in other ways.
It’s perfectly normal and encouraged to do some research either on the Internet or talk to someone you trust so you can learn more about sex.
Don’t Feel Pressure from Your Partner
You have a full right to consider sex or not to consider it. This is a two way act and involves both partners’ consent. If your partner is pressuring or emotionally blackmailing you to have sex, then you have a right to not feel pressure and tell him it’s your decision as well.
Know the Pros and Cons of Sex
Talk to a sex educator or an adult you trust. Learn about protection and STDs. Understand the risks associated with it. You can even speak with a trustworthy friend.
You Are Considering this Step Because of Your Desires
Make sure you are considering having sex because of your own desires. The reason may have to do with pleasing your boyfriend and showing your love in this way, but it should have to do largely with your own self and desires.
Understand if You are Emotionally Ready
Always, ladies make sure you are emotionally ready to handle this. It’s not just a physical act. It’s an intimate act between two people that will connect you both physically and emotionally.
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