There are some men who feel they aren’t good enough for the woman. But what about the exact opposite scenario? What if your guy thinks you’re not good enough for him? That most likely means you’re not dating the right person.
Here are 6 signs:
He Likes to Talk About Himself More Than You
He loves talking about himself. He talks about his job, family, hobbies, basically everything under the sun. That too, without you asking questions about those topics. That’s a clear sign of a self-absorbed man who doesn’t respect your opinion and persona.
He Does Not Ask You Any Questions About Yourself
This one ties into the previous point. Chances are if he keeps talking about himself, he probably barely asks you any questions about yourself. He barely shows any interest in your life.
Drops Snide Remarks or Comments by Way of Conversation
He drops rude comments through conversations with you or about you around friends and/or strangers. I had this happen to me once. I liked this guy once who I brought to my home to meet my family. He would jokingly, but you could tell he meant it, kept saying that I was stupid. That obviously meant he didn’t find me good enough.
He Does Not Value Your Time
He does not care to meet you. And if he does, he meets you on his own terms. He fits you into his schedule, not the other way around.
He Flirts With Girls In Front of You
He doesn’t care if you’re around. He’ll flirt shamelessly with your friends or other women in front of you.
You’re Never Good Enough
In other words, anything you do or say is never good enough for him. He finds faults in you and finds opportunities to belittle you.
If you are with someone who meets some or all of the above signs, then it’s a clear, strong indicator that you must reassess and reconsider your relationship with him. Remember you deserve someone who honors and respects you.
Related: 6 Ways Guys Play Games in Dating and Relationships
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