One of the most challenging lessons I learned was going with the flow. I liked to control everything too much. If something didn’t happen according to my desire, then I got annoyed and frustrated. And then it circled in my mind over and over. I started over analyzing and thinking if I could change that one thing, then the outcome would be what I wanted.
What was I doing? Only Driving Myself Crazy!
Why couldn’t I just accept whatever happened and move forward? Why did I have to control everything? Why couldn’t I let go? I don’t know the complete answers to those questions. Maybe it has to do with me being a Taurean. Or it has to do with that I feel scared of letting go. In my head, there was a belief that if I loosened my grip and let things flow as they wished, then relationships and things would just flutter away.
Start Accepting and Letting Go
I see my boss and coworker trying to control everything all the time. They can’t accept anything and even let go of anything, no matter how small. You would think they would be happier this way. But ironically they’re not.
Observing them has made me realize the value of giving your best, but having a friendly detachment. Accepting that whichever way things goes, you know it’s for your highest good. You just trust.
Related: The Lesson I Learned from My Los Angeles Trip – Living in the Unknown
How do you get in the flow? Please share with me in the comments.

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