Letting Go is surrendering and accepting. It is not giving up or handing your power away. Most people will hold on tightly to something or someone, rather than letting go.
Letting Go is Letting Life Flow Magically
I am an ambitious and well-organized person. I usually have check lists and spreadsheets that articulate exactly what I need to do to achieve my goals. Even my mind is ticking away what needs to get done for the week. I am definitely a person who likes to be in control.
But of course, life happens. I cannot plan and organize every moment of my life. Earlier, when something occurred out of my control and not part of my “plan,” I would go ballistic. I would try harder to make something happen my way. In essence, I resisted.
But the exact opposite happened when I finally loosened my grip and surrendered to the moment. To my surprise, I felt lighter and freer. I was more tuned into my feelings and intuition.
And then things started to shift in my life. Life flowed magically. I felt more relaxed. And I trusted that whatever was happening was meant for my highest good.
Related: Use Gratitude Journaling to Maintain Positive Vibes During a Process of Transformation
How do You Relax and Trust the Process?
- Take a deep breathe, just back off from the matter, and focus on something else
- Pay attention to your energy. Is it tight and tense? Or does it flow and feel expansive? Relax and let your energy flow freely.
- Embrace the unexpected. You don’t need to know why it happened. Just trust it happened for your best.
When you surrender, you allow life to take its course. You get out of the way and let life do its magic.
Have there been times where you wanted to resist and push harder? How did you feel when you surrendered to the present moment? Please share in the comments.

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