Do you over think every SINGLE thing? Or do you know someone who does this?
Over Analyzing Prevents You from Living Your Life
When you over think, you’re not letting yourself live life. You’re actually getting in your own way. You’re so wrapped up in your own head that you can’t even see what beautiful gift life is offering you.
Makes You Go in Circles
Furthermore, you think about the same thing constantly and go in circles. You drive yourself crazy thinking!
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Stops You from Taking Action and You Stay in Limbo
It causes you to stay in limbo. You never move forward. You stay stuck because you’re too scared to take any step. It doesn’t even matter if the step is forward or backward, you simply don’t take any step out of immense fear!
I have seen many people do this. Heck, I have done this! I have been so scared of the outcome that I didn’t even allow myself to do anything. Even if the outcome wasn’t my desired outcome, what would it be like? I would still be fine! But my fear consumes me instead.
Fear of the Unknown
The over analyzing and over thinking steps from a deep fear of the unknown. Of the uncertainty. But you must let go and trust. Everything is happening at the perfect time and in alignment with the Universe. Your worrying does not create a solution. All you have to do is do your part and be relaxed.
How do you stop yourself from over analyzing or over thinking? Please share with me in the comments.

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