I genuinely believe every single person on this planet is capable of true love and even wants it with every fiber of his or her soul and body. But most are too afraid to admit it.
Trusting Your Heart
Trust your heart that you will find true love. It’s not easy to trust. I get it. Believe me, I really do. In another post, I’ll share my experiences. If things hadn’t worked out, then open your heart up again. Trust in your beauty and greatness. There is someone else who shares this and will connect to that energy.
Falling Love Means Taking Chances
There is no other way. Just like to be truly expert at something, you practice. You keep trying no matter what. Your whole heart is in it. Not one foot out and the other in.
Falling in love requires having both feet in and taking a chance with your eyes open, even not knowing what’s going to happen.
Related: Start Receiving More and Questioning Less
Being Fully Present and Surrendering
I’ve witnessed in my girlfriends and myself, that just being happy in the present moment is not simple for us. When you are dating or in a relationship, enjoy yourself. Being in love is a journey. It’s important and even healthy to discuss your future together, but don’t let it get in the way of cherishing the time you spend with him.
Listening to Your Enchanted Silence
Most of all, become really still. Close your eyes. Listen to your heart beat. Let your magical energy whisper to you. When you find the right person, find bliss in that silence. And within yourself. Let it guide you the whole way.
Do you trust you’ll find true love? What was your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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