Getting the guy’s attention is pretty easy once you understand how a guy’s mind works. It’s true a guy is very visual, but it goes beyond that. If you can learn how to play into a guy’s senses, then you can get them craving for your attention in no time.
Dress Sexy
Show the right amount of skin and hide enough, so it allows a guy to guess and wonder. You’ll be playing right into his imagination. Wear something sexy, but something that is also cute and exudes your femininity. It’s one of the beauties of being a woman, you can dress up in all sorts of clothes and try a variety of looks. Men don’t get that many options!
Make Eye Contact and Look Away Shyly
This one really works! Especially in a crowded place or party. Imagine you’re sitting at a bar or friend’s get together. You spot a guy you find cute right off the bad. Make eye contact and as your eyes meet, smile as if you’ve been caught and look away shyly. It’ll drive home the point that you found him attractive and if he’s interested, he’ll get the message and approach you, leaving just enough mystery and intrigue, too.
Show Off Your Uniqueness
Don’t shy away from expressing your unique points about your personality and life. It’s not bragging, but showing what you are capable of and your uniqueness. For example: I don’t intend to brag about my book, but I do bring it up to a guy or on a date because I’m proud of it and also I feel it’s gives my persona an interesting twist. A man can see there is more to me than meets the eye.
Be Fun and Alive
Most of all, have an energy and be fun around a guy! Or if you’re with a bunch of friends, enjoy yourself and laugh merrily. Be yourself because that is what will really get his attention.
What are your tips in getting a guy to notice you? Please share with me in the comments!
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