Growing up as an Indian American girl in the San Francisco Bay Area, I’ve definitely had my good and not so great moments. I’ve gained an unique perspective on romance and dating matters as a result of my Indian and western upbringing.
Parents Were Chill and Open-Minded…
My parents are pretty modern and liberal minded people. Growing up, there was a huge focus on academics and school. But as long as my grades were good, my parents were open in letting me go out for a party or having some fun.
After graduating college and getting my first job, I would often go bar hopping or clubbing with my friends. I guess it was the high of having a job, having money, and being young, but I enjoyed going out and having a drink or two with my friends.
I felt so carefree and I was open to my parents about going out. My parents were cool with it, as long as I came home by a reasonable time and picked up my mother’s phone EVERY time she called. I was responsible about the whole thing.
But No Matter How Open, They Want You to Get Married
Up until the age of 23 or 24, my mother wanted me to meet guys and begin dating. She was open-minded and modern in that she wanted me to select a guy of my own choice and get to know him.
As she had an arranged marriage, she wanted me to exercise my freedom of choice. She wanted me to be happy and secure in my marriage. I started dating and I told my mother some experiences.
Obviously, I left out certain details because though I’m close to my mother, I can’t tell her everything! I knew my father knew I was dating, but he never asked me any questions. He got what he needed to know from my mother.
Every Year Past Age 25 I got Older, My Mom’s Insistence On Getting Married Exponentially Increased…
But as soon as I turned 25, this panic and anxiety rose in my mother. I was successful with a good job and an attractive woman, but I was not married. She started to buy me lots of shoes and clothes so I could look stylish and wind up the courting stage fast with a guy and finally marry him.
Today, I am 28 years old, not married yet. I hope to someday, but I am in no rush. I would like to tie the knot with the right person. My mother is understanding, but it is also amusing how every year I turn older, how she tries to set me up or come up with solutions to get me married.
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