Have you ever clung onto a situation or person out of fear? Did you think if you let go that it would be equivalent to quitting and giving up?
If you think this way, then don’t be hard on yourself. We have all been there. I often thought this way. I could never let go of a situation or person. I wanted to hold on with all my might, even when it was emotionally taxing.
Here are some ways to find out if it’s time for you to quit and move on:
When You Expect a Situation or Person to Change
If you keep wishing something or someone to change even after so much time passing, then it’s time to move on.
A Situation or Person Causes You More Pain than Happiness
I learned this one personally. If you’ve done everything you can and the situation or person still brings you pain, then you need to let go. Sometimes, it takes a lot more strength to let this situation or person go from your life.
You Feel Emotionally Exhausted
If all you’re feeling is exhausted in a friendship, relationship, work or personal situation, then despite your fears, leave it and move forward.
You’re Trying Too Hard to Hold On to Something or a Person
Ah. I have done this. I realized you should never have to hold onto something or a person. If it’s a part of your divine destiny, then you don’t need to try hard. Everything will flow smoothly and beautifully.
You’re Holding On Out of Fear there isn’t Someone or Something Better
There is someone or something better for you! Don’t let your fears and self limiting beliefs get in the way. Sometimes, letting go is life’s way of handing you what and who is perfect for you.
Have you clung onto something or someone out of fear? What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.
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