Have you ever been on a blind date? Are you considering to go on one? Maybe you’re rattled just by the thought of it. I’ve been on a blind date before and I actually enjoyed it. It didn’t go anywhere, but it opened my eyes to dating and romance.
Here are Seven Reasons Why You Should Go on One:
Explore Dating
It gives you the opportunity to explore especially if you’re not sure about what you want. It opens your eyes to different kinds of guys and you get to see what else is out there.
You May Have Fun!
You know, you just may have a blast! Don’t judge a book by its cover. Sometimes, the best people come into your life unexpected and in the most random way. Funny, I met some great men in the strangest ways myself…
Makes You More Open
It helps you become more open to what life has to offer you. You may think you want something, until you realize you want something else. It will encourage you to check out the dating arena. And mostly, you’ll learn to take chances.
Others May Know You Better
Sometimes your family, co-workers, or friends may know you better. If a string of guys you’ve dated has just not been working out for you, then why not give this a chance?
It’s Just One Date…
If it’s not pleasant, then it’s only one date! If anything, you’ll know what you do NOT want…
You Never Know…
People meet their soul mates in all sorts of ways. What if this blind date is the love of your life?
Make a New Friend
If anything else, you may make a great friend out of this blind date. Maybe you two may not click romantically, but you can stay friends.
Would you consider going on a blind date? Please share with me in the comments!

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