My sister attended Shah Rukh Khan’s concert last night and had a blast! Who is Shah Rukh Khan? Well, he is a superstar actor in India who is adored worldwide.
My sister being a huge fan of his had wanted to go to his concert instantly. Her heart said yes right away. This was about a month ago. But then her head got in the way. She started coming up with reasons not to go.
Reasons like: It’s going to get late at night, I have work the next day. My friends aren’t sure, I don’t want to by myself. The tickets are expensive, I’m not working right now.
Say YES to your Desires!
My mother and I told her to stop for a moment. We asked her a simple question: Do you want to go to the concert?
My sister started rambling reasons again, when we gently told her to just answer with yes or no. She replied yes. We told her to just buy the ticket and stop thinking about the rest. Everything else would fall into place.
My Sister Relaxed and Minutes Later, She Bought her Ticket
As soon as she received the confirmation through her email, a huge smile adorned her my sister’s face. She was glowing. I looked at my mother who was smiling, too.
Yesterday, she attended the concert with her group of friends who eventually got around and attended. By then, she had also gotten a great job at Yahoo!
The Universe Takes Care of the Rest
When you listen to your heart and honor your desire, the divine power or Universe takes care of the rest. If you make a decision drenched in love, then the outcome will mirror that.
Do you say yes to your desires? How does it feel when you do? Please share with me in the comments.
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