Evens and situations unfold in your life exactly as they are meant to. Sometimes, they come across as gifts and you immediately see them as positive. But challenging situations also enter your life and they may not seem like gifts, but they are enriching experiences meant for your growth.
View Challenging Experiences as Opportunities Instead
Opportunity is everywhere, even in challenging experiences. You may not see them as opportunities for growth at first, but they come at the right time in your life to teach you a lesson.
Grow into Your Highest Self
I was left confused and angry after certain experiences in my life. But when I look back, I realize it was all for my ultimate good. These experiences taught me valuable lessons. I don’t look at life the same way anymore.
I had to stop in my tracks and accept what was happening, whether I liked it or not.
Stop Resisting and Instead Start ACCEPTING!
The best way to deal with what life is handing you whether it is good or not, is to start accepting. Don’t question why the experience is happening. If you’re going through the experience, then it’s the Universe’s way of letting you grow and a part of your life’s plan.
It’s not easy to do this, I would resist and react with resentment and anger. But this doesn’t do me any good. By accepting and letting things unfold, you allow yourself to live your best life and are more open to receive with gratitude.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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