Recently, I was in a situation where I was speaking to my mother about some personal things going on in our household. The old me would have started complaining, but the new me couldn’t do that anymore.
The New ME…
The new me had gone through a deep transformation this year. I spent the majority of this year working on myself and blasting through my fears. Why? Because I was tired of living the life I was living, and not living the one I’d always dreamed about. I dreamed about being happy and feeling peaceful.
After my father’s stroke, the situation in our family dramatically changed. There was too much going on – personally and financially. I found myself plunging into endless cycles of disappointment and hurt. All of which did me nor my family any good.
Typically, it started when we started complaining or speaking negatively…
The first step to make a profound shift is to STOP SPEAKING NEGATIVELY about Anything…Be it Your Finances, Career, or Personal Life.
Going back to my mother, I found my mother spiraling again and I told her gently but directly that I wanted to move forward in my life with beauty and flow and didn’t want to engage in negative conversations about any subject. I wanted us to have a normal, healthy conversation.
Saw a Shift in My Mother…
My mother did not react so well, but after a point, she came around and I saw a shift in her. She started to absorb my positive energy and I could see her speaking with more hope and faith. Words have immense power. And surely, I am thrilled and happy to say since then, things have been flowing and manifesting much more smoothly in our family and household.
Be Respectful, But Direct
When you are trying to make changes in your life, it’s not easy to do so when your loved ones are still not there. You love your family, but you also have a full right to love yourself and make healthy changes. If your loved ones don’t like it, here’s something you can say:
“I love you and really care about you. I don’t expect you to understand or do the same things I’m doing to make changes. I do respect your opinion, but I do expect you to support and respect me by allowing me the space to make these changes even if you don’t agree with them. I want to be happy and this is one of the steps I’m taking.”
Draw Boundaries
After you speak to your loved one, actually set guidelines. Your loved ones are not perfect and neither are you. So if you find your loved ones going into that spiral of negativity, then quietly end the conversation or steer the topic to something more positive and healthy.
How do you maintain positivity even when a loved one or friend is negative? Please share with me in the comments.

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