How many times in dating and relationships did you want the guy to call you? Did you want your boyfriend to move your relationship to the next level? Sigh. Take a deep breathe, ladies.
Been There, Done That
I’ve been there, ladies. I know EXACTLY where you’re coming from. Often, I wanted a guy to take the initiative and call me. Or I wanted him to take our relationship to the next level.
And then I tried hard. I pushed hard. I tried to be kind. I tried to be understanding. I really wanted things to work with him.
Related: The Greatest Way to Nurture A Guy is to Believe In Him
You Can’t Force A Man to Do Something…
The truth is you cannot force a man to do anything. You can’t sweetly manipulate him to do things. And even if you do manage to “manipulate” him to do something, do you really want to get your way through this?
You want a man to make a decision to call you, love you, and take your relationship to the next level out of a loving place. You want him to do it from his own heart. You want him to feel happy doing these things, not feeling pushed or compelled to do so.
Give Him the Space to Step Up
I believe the single most important thing you can do to let a man rise up to the occasion is to give him the space. When you try to push and take action, you’re not letting him become the man he needs to be.
I’ll give you a simple example. You want him to call you in the initial dating phase. Don’t call him. I don’t mean you shouldn’t take initiative. Do call once or twice. But if he doesn’t take initiative himself, then don’t go crazy and act out of fear.
Don’t keep calling him. Stop. Breathe. Live your life. Let him call you. Give him the space. This applies to anything in any stage during your relationship.
What if he still doesn’t step up? I have only one question for you: Why would you want to be with such a man? You are a beautiful and loving woman who deserves a wonderful man who steps up for you.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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