Men are simple creatures when you think about it. They are probably not as complicated as women. When you peel back their layers, there are a few fundamental needs he has. And when met, he can become yours for life. He can see you as his ultimate dream woman.
A Man Has a Basic Need to Protect
Just about every man on this planet has the desire to protect their loved ones. It’s so ingrained in him that he doesn’t even probably realize it. It’s part of their programming.
When I spend time with my family, I see this desire crop up even in my brother. It can be as simple as we are traveling to a foreign country and he makes sure he is close by to us. He tells me and my sister to be careful and cautious.
In your romantic partner, give him the space and opportunities to rise up to the occasion. When the going gets tough, let him take charge. He wants you to rely on him. It’s something very instinctual for him. He wants to be your hero π
He Wants to Provide
I saw this quality in my father frequently over the years… Even today, my father has this strong desire to provide for his family. Even though I am an adult and can take care of myself well, he wants to share his wisdom and help. I used to become irritated and tell him I already know how to do some things.
So now, even though I know how to do certain things, I just let my father have his moment. I let him show me how to do something. His face bursts with happiness. He makes me feel like a provider.
You can do the same for your man. Let him provide for you. If he wants to pay for a meal or help you on something, accept it wholeheartedly. It will make him a very happy man.
The Need to Be Appreciated
Most people think only women need to be complimented. Men also have the desire to be appreciated! Shower him with compliments from time to time. Make sure they are genuine, of course. You know your man well, so you know how often to compliment him and what to say.
Nurture Him By Believing in Him
The greatest way to nurture a man and have him think of no one else but you is to believe in him. I don’t mean in a superficial way. Really in your gut, have that feeling that you believe in him. Believe in his dreams and desires. Be there for him. And he will always be there for you…
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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