Have you ever felt uncomfortable with feeling happiness? This year, I had to face the realization that I wasn’t comfortable with being happy.
I Wasn’t Used to Life Flowing and Being Happy
It’s a strange belief I’ve held onto for years. Maybe it has to do with being raised the way I was. Maybe it had to do with observing my parents. My parents are good people and I’m truly very blessed to have them as my parents.
But they weren’t necessarily the happiest people. Every time I saw them feel happy, I noticed they didn’t know how to deal with it. It was like they were used to not being happy and not letting life be easy. It was like life was meant to be hard.
Accept Life Can Be Different
I had to accept that just because my life went one way, it didn’t have to be this way all the time. My life can be filled with happiness and peace. My life didn’t have to be hard. I didn’t have to struggle. Whatever I needed and desired the most from my life was already inside me. I just had to tap into my inner guidance.
Your Past Does Not Define Your Present
I had to change my self belief. I had to accept I could be happy. I had to become comfortable with this feeling. Because when I could feel comfortable, I could fully feel happy. And this meant letting go of the past.
Does happiness makes you uncomfortable? Please share with me in the comments.

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