I’m sure at some point in your life when you wanted to lose weight, you went on a crazy crash diet. You barely ate and exercised like a maniac for a week. Maybe this even lasted for a couple weeks if you’re lucky!
Soon After, You Went Back to Your Old Ways
You suddenly broke your diet and ate a week’s worth of food in one day! You stopped exercising. Your motivation went out the window.
You didn’t want to lift a finger. That’s what happens when you try to make a big change immediately.
Think About It!
You’ve lived with specific habits and patterns of thinking all your life or a very long period at the very least! How will that change overnight?
The best and most effective way to make gigantic changes is to take baby steps.
Start small and steadily move up. Let’s use the example of slimming down. Instead of going on a crazy extreme diet, why not start small? Stop drinking sodas and coffees and replace it with a healthier beverage. Work out for twenty minutes and then work your way to forty minute work outs.
This Strategy Applies To Every Area of Life
Personally, I found it much easier to adjust to a new way of living or adopting a healthier habit when I took baby steps. I also felt more victorious and positive when I accomplished little milestones. Over time, those baby steps became gigantic changes.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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