It’s almost become a fad to show off how busy you are. I don’t understand the point of being so busy that you have no time for yourself. Being successful is important to me, but also feeling happy is a priority. Happiness is success!
Many times, you become overwhelmed with hectic schedules and before you know it, you’re out of touch with your own self. When that happens, you’re not living authentically. You’re not making decisions that align with what your heart wants.
Embrace Your Quiet Time
I relish my solitude now. As much as I loved my weekend in LA during Thanksgiving, I craved quiet time just as much. I wanted to go back and spend time with myself.
And that’s exactly what I did. I spent the next weekend lying in bed and sleeping in. I cooked meals and sipped on wine. It was wonderful!
I find that whenever I spend time with myself, I am more aligned to my desires and my life’s vision. It becomes crystal clear. You know when you take a deep breath at a beautiful beach and you feel clear and on top of the world?
That’s how I feel. I feel more connected to my heart. When I start to get back into action mode and my daily routine, I take steps that are aligned to my happiness and well-being.
Do you set aside quiet time to connect to your self? How does it make you feel? Please share with me in the comments.

[…] Related: Set Aside Quiet Time to Connect to Your Heart […]