Every single woman has gone through a job that she didn’t like. Don’t feel like there is no hope in the world. You can do something to change it. That job you hate can actually be a great thing!
Why is that, Priyanka, you may be asking? You may also be rolling your eyes and thinking I’m crazy. Here’s why!
Teaches You Patience
Firstly, it teaches you to have loads of patience. It teaches you to be patient when dealing with people you don’t like or get along with.
In life, things and people will come where you realize they are not a good fit for you. But you can’t make an impulsive decision.
You learn to examine the pros and cons and then make an informed decision. You learn ways to deal with such situations.
Realize What You Really do Want
My first ever job straight out of college was in finance. I worked at a leading hedge fund administration in San Francisco. I took Bart every morning at seven and by the time I returned, I was exhausted and cranky.
I did this for six months. Then, I worked at some more places, but never really loved what I did. I jumped around a lot, until I realized I was doing what George Clooney did in relationships! (Well, he got married now!) I never found satisfaction in my jobs because I was never pursuing what I truly wanted in my life.
Make a Change
All along, I knew what I wanted. I wanted to write. So three years ago, I decided to make a change. I kept working, but I drowned myself in reading novels and writing in the evenings after work and the weekends. Today, I finally know what makes my heart beat with happiness.
What can you take away from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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