The initial stage of dating and a relationship is beautiful and exciting. You don’t know if he’s going to call you back and when he does, you jump up in joy! That first kiss…
But that stage right afterwards when you settle into a somewhat of a comfortable routine. You both know each other relatively well by this point. And then it starts….The Boy Games Officially Begin.
Here Are 6 Signals:
He Does Not Call or Text as Often…
Suddenly, he doesn’t call or text you as frequently. The reason why you notice it? Because you begin to like him and look forward to your conversations with him. So when he does this, it becomes very obvious.
He Makes Unreasonable Demands
He’ll want to do things or go places that he knows you don’t like.
Stops Being Affectionate With You
This one can be a major signal. He doesn’t compliment you as much. He pretends to play it cool and act like he didn’t notice that new dress or necklace. He doesn’t hold your hand or show physical affection.
Gives the Silent Treatment
Ah, isn’t this one fun, ladies?! He gives you the total ignore. He does not attempt to communicate with you. This one can be very annoying and frustrating!
Talks In Monosyllables
I’ve personally had this happen to me so much. And I must confess I don’t like it one bit! It really gets me worked up. And if you probe further and ask what’s wrong, he’ll persist answering in monosyllables.
Why Do Men Play Games?
All these signals happen sometimes because the guy is testing you to see how you will react to him. Or perhaps to see how much you are into him. It doesn’t make the games right.
However, it is up to you to decide how you want to deal with the situation. You can choose to ignore it and keep a calm head. Or you can speak to him directly and tell him you do not like these games.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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