When you carry guilt or pain inside you, you remain stuck in a life that is not your choice of living. You blame yourself and constantly shift backward. You don’t put yourself out there and keeping thinking What If’s.
Your Mind is Like a Closet…There’s Only So Much Space
This realization dawned on me only recently. Have you looked in your closet? What’s in there? Probably a whole bunch of clothes and clutter. Did you buy some new clothes? What do you then? You make room by giving away your old clothes.
Imagine your mind in the same way. There is limited space in your head. And every moment, you are select which emotions and state of mind to fill it.
Related: My Life-Changing Experience with a Life Coach
Releasing Painful Emotions and Make Room for Joy to Enter
When I first learned this, it sounded too simple. All I had to do was release the pain and fear inside and let the joy to flow in! In some ways, it is as simple as this. It should be this simple.
But if you’ve been living your life a certain way or possess specific thinking patterns all your life, you’ll face some resistance initially. It’s going to take some conscious conditioning and time to change your patterns and release the pain and fear.
Take baby steps by writing down your fears and the pain you feel. Jot down the reasons. Tell yourself out loud how you feel. Identify patterns.
Meditate or take a nice, luxurious bath. Do the things that relax you. Release the pain lovingly and tell yourself that you are inviting beauty to enter instead.
What are your thoughts on this post? Please share with me in the comments.

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