I am feeling very excited 2014 is coming to an end and 2015 is right around the corner. I feel really proud of myself this year. I connected to my heart and saw lots of changes in my life. My intuition was a huge factor in all this. My intuition pointed me in the right direction, even though I didn’t know what I was exactly doing or where I was going.
Listen to Your Intuition
Your intuition is like your personal coach or mentor or angel (Insert anything here!) that is guiding you gently so you can make decisions coming from your heart.
When I decided to make changes, it suddenly put focus on all the excuses I had been making in my head. My family, finances, stability, guys, fears, the list is endless. The truth is I kept blaming someone or a circumstance.
My inner guidance kept whispering to me, but I would ignore its prodding.
Related: My Life-Changing Experience with a Life Coach
Take a Big Leap Even When It Doesn’t Make Any Sense
Pay attention to how your body feels. When you’re confused between your head and heart, then notice how your body reacts. When the decision is right although it seems crazy on the surface, there is this tingly sensation in my stomach and chest. I feel light and free. It’s like I’m kind of gliding through the day.
When it’s not the right choice, there is this tightness in my chest and stomach. My breathing is tense and I over analyze.
I also want to emphasize that listening to your intuition is not always what you want to hear. But you have to roll with the punches and go with its beautiful whispers because your heart knows a lot SOONER and BETTER than you do.
Drop the fear and take that BIG leap!
How do you stop holding yourself back and take a leap? Please share with me in the comments.

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