You will notice there are times when you can’t focus at work. You seem lost and in a daze in your personal life. Things aren’t going right. Deep inside, you are not content. Your spark is missing.
I have found that in those situations when you want nothing more than to just sleep in and slow down, there is something your soul is calling its attention towards.
Your Soul Wants to Clear the Block in You
It’s your soul telling you to slow down. It’s showing you there are inner blocks that need to be dealt with. It wants nothing more than to clear that block in you. Why? Because it is preventing you from embodying your truth and being in your natural state of love.
Related: Let’s Be Real and Embrace All the Dark and Messy Parts of Yourself
You Will Feel Resistance
You will feel lots of resistance. Lots and lots of it! You will find yourself stuck and rebelling internally. You will want to push and strive harder.
But that’s not what your job is. It’s the exact opposite. Your job is to drop your walls. Peel the layers of your ego away. Listen to your soul. Ask your heart: What does it want? What do you desire? Let the stillness whisper to you.
Attract Situations and People that Mirror Your Soul
When your soul wants to clear your internal blocks, you will attract situations and people into your life that mirror your inner state. Your soul knows what it needs.
You might manifest a friend or romantic partner that is causing that block to resurface. It is happening for a reason. It is for you to listen to your soul and clear your blocks through these people and situations.
Shift the light to your inner self. Listen. So you can clear the path to manifest what it is your soul truly desires.
Feel the Sensation Intensely and Deeply
At times, the physical sensation and emotional intensity becomes too much. It becomes overwhelming. You feel like you’re swinging on a pendulum of extreme sadness and anger. Feel it deeply and intensely. Take the time to clear your blocks so you can break your heart open and feel its light.
What is your biggest takeaway from this post? Please share with me in the comments!

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