I have always felt that intuition was a deep inner nudge and tug that pulled me towards something or someone. It was an inner feeling as light as a feather that brushed against my skin. My subconscious and soul know the pull behind this feeling.
You know how as you let a feather continue to brush against your skin, the feeling becomes more tingly, more intense, and stronger. That’s how your intuition is. I let this inner feeling and pulling marinate and allow it come to me with more guidance and information.
What I realized after focusing on intuition all of last week is that the only way to strengthen my relationship with my intuition is by acting upon my inner guidance and taking action.
I started small: What do I really want for breakfast? Is that what I deeply desire for breakfast? Do I want to go to bed or stay up? I dived deep into my body to find the answer. I also did aimless driving and walking and I noticed it really helped my intuition speak to me.
What I also realized was I needed to be comfortable to move out of my comfort zone when seeing what guidance my heart could offer me and most of all, that I didn’t need to know the answer 100%. I just needed to know what I had to do or know at that very moment. That’s all.
What is It Like to Act On My Impulse?
When I acted on my impulse to move my body and dance or do something like cleaning, organizing, etc. to get my body’s energy moving and vibrating, I received wisdom and guidance from my soul and heart through my body. It’s like this subtle bubble of feeling and guidance coming to me.
Other times, I just wanted to be still and have my quiet time. During such times, I truly felt my emotions come out and wash over me. Once the emotion was felt in my body, I felt lighter and I became a lighter, more clear channel for my guidance and good to flow to me.
I felt two specific ways when I acted on my impulse: effortless and at ease. It was like I absolutely had to do follow my intuition and it was a beautiful, light feeling.
The other way I felt when I needed to follow my intuition was it felt scary and uncomfortable and like my soul was compelling me to do something or take an action because I needed the learning to fulfill my higher self’s purpose and receive the wisdom.
Yet whether I felt uncomfortable or beautifully guided and light, both times it was absolutely right for me even if I didn’t know at the time consciously (my soul, heart, and body already knew and I felt this subconsciously).
Through this experiment, it dawned on me that when I did’t act on my impulse and intuition, I didn’t feel complete, whole, nervous, and not aligned.
Using My Intuition In My Daily Life
I’ve used my intuition often in my daily life on what to eat and what items of food to select at the grocery store and restaurants. I’ve also turned inwards on which candidates to speak with at work or who I decide to work with as my coach. In fact, I use my intuition a lot when it comes to my career.
In relationships, I’ve always use it in the initial stage when I desired to express my true feelings or reach out to someone I like.
Going Beyond My Comfort Zone
Tapping into my intuition is about having the pure courage and strength to listen to it wholly even when it feels deeply uncomfortable. I’d like to listen to my heart’s whispers even more consistently when it comes to my personal life and romantic relationship and even money.
All in all, intuition requires great trust and surrender from myself. This way, I can receive the guidance I need to expand and grow in my life even when I have no idea how the process unfolds. To stay deeply centered and in the present moment and live in the unknown with peace and calmness.
I journaled to the following questions:
DO: Allow yourself to have your sacred space and silence. Notice your impulse. What is it like to act on your impulse or not act on it? How have you used your intuition in your daily life and important areas like career, relationships, etc.? How can you take your intuition beyond your comfort zone?
The tools and practices I used to embody my intention and focus on Pillar 8 Intuition:
The Mind (mental intelligence): Observing how my mind relayed my soul and higher self’s wisdom and intuition.
The Body (instinctual intelligence/body wisdom): I learned to feel my intuition’s magical nudges and guidance through moving my body through exercise, dance, or even simply doing simple things like aimless driving or walking, cooking, etc.
The Heart (emotional intelligence): Journaling about the questions earlier I mentioned.
The Soul (higher self/spirit): Understanding what my higher self wants to lead and teach me. This week, I learned my intuition often serves a higher purpose for my soul’s expansion and growth and it provides me with inner guidance to realize my heart’s authentic desires.
Lots of Love,
Image source: oraclefox.com

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