Did you ever have that discussion with a friend? The one where you two disagreed? I have and I’m sure you have, too. I’ve had friends with whom I bonded beautifully, but there were times we disagreed and were vocal about our opinions.
Agree to Disagree
Firstly, be comfortable with not having the same opinion. You don’t need to have the same viewpoint as he or she. You two may be friends, but you both have your own unique beliefs and personalities.
You may be friends for a long time and it may surprise you to know your different stances on certain topics. Be comfortable in expressing your opinion, but also letting your friend express it.
Be Respectful
This one should be obvious, but make an effort to be sensitive and respectful towards your friend. You may argue and it can get heated, but respect the fact that your friend has a right to her or his opinion.
Also, be respectful and keep your friendship in mind. Is it worth getting a silly disagreement or argument in the way of your friendship?
Blacklist Specific Topics
If you two bicker too much and certain topics raise those red flags, then mentally make a note to not bring up those topics. Or respectfully tell your friend that you respect his or her opinion, but you’d rather not discuss the particular subject.
How do you respectfully disagree with your friends? Please share with me in the comments.

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