How do you deal with a challenging situation? Do you confront your fears or run away? This is a good question to ask yourself. In fact, I highly recommend to pull out your journal and write this question down. Jot down your fears along with your responses to them.
See if you can figure out a pattern in your reactions.
Running Away is Not the Solution
Running away is never the solution.
If you run away from your fears, then do something about it. This is important because there will be ups and downs in life. That is a part of life and the earlier you learn to stop running away from what scares you, the better.
It Only Causes A Never Ending Cycle
In fact, you will be faced with the same experiences over and over until you learn the life lesson you are meant to learn.
Here are some ways for you to deal with your fears:
Take Time Off to Be With Yourself
Take a weekend off and spend it with yourself. Do anything you like to do. You can go fishing or go away on a retreat. Whatever it is, make sure you take the time to be alone with your thoughts.
Acknowledge Your Fears and Vulnerabilities
Embrace your fears and vulnerabilities. By accepting them, you are telling yourself it’s alright to have them. The only way to deal with them is to acknowledge their existence.
Appreciate that You are Only Human
Remember you a human being. You aren’t perfect and part of the human experience is having fears. It’s completely normal. But running away from them is not the answer. Instead, take the time to acknowledge and deal with them so you can evolve into your highest self.
How do you deal with your fears? Please share with me in the comments.

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