Your desires can be grand visions of how you want to lead your life. But often, your desires scare you. They terrify you because they seem unattainable. So you settle for something less. You push your desires away.
Accept the Possibility Your Desire Can Come True
Don’t think about how it’s going to happen. Because when you start to think about the how and when, then you shut yourself from even entertaining the thought. You develop fears and paralyze yourself in these fears.
Whenever I lunged towards something or someone I wanted, I realized the fear was greater in my head than in actuality. I’m not undermining the fear, the fear was there. But not going after what I wanted, I didn’t feel good at all. I felt gripped by fear all the time.
Related: My 2015 New Year Resolutions
Your Thoughts Will Keep Leading You Back to Your Desires
You’ll keep thinking about what could be or what if. You’ll drive yourself crazy doing that. Wouldn’t it be better just to go after what you want and find out? From my experience, whenever I put my heart into something, it worked out beautifully most of the time.
Sometimes, it didn’t turn out the way I expected, but I felt alive through the entire journey. I felt proud of myself for attempting. I’m not saying that I didn’t feel disappointed or upset if things didn’t turn out the way I wanted, but I knew that I could move forward either way and look back with no regrets.
Did you go after what you truly want? What was your experience? Please share with me in the comments.

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