Happiness is actually your natural state of being. It’s not normal to be constantly stressed or running around. Do you know that person who feels this compelling need to worry as soon as they are feeling happy about something? It’s like they need something to feel anxious about.
It’s because they’ve become accustomed to not feeling happy, so they expect things to not work out.
Things Happen for Your Best
Sometimes, when you go through challenging experiences, you build up walls. You start to think twice before taking any step or making any leap.
I remember after going through my own challenges, I clammed up before taking any action. I would feel scared and an overwhelming wave of nervousness would run through my body.
You Become Paralyzed in Action
My mind went on over drive. And then I would think of reasons why a situation wouldn’t work out. It’s strange. When you go through these challenging experiences, it was not until much later that I realized I had gotten used to struggling.
Living Means Prospering
Something struck me. My aha moment happened. I didn’t have to be merely surviving. Happiness was my natural state of being. I was meant to prosper. The process is still currently in progress, but I spent a lot of time shuffling and releasing things and people that didn’t serve me in my life.
I started to look at decisions I made not only in terms of money and stability, but whether it fulfilled.
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