“What looks like a loss may be the very event which is subsequently responsible for helping to produce the major achievement of your life.” ~ Srully Blotnick
My eyes happened to stumble upon this quote today. To me, this is a clear sign. My parents owned a convenience store business and out of a strange turn of events, it slipped from our hands. We still held onto the goods for over a year and half though. Not wanting to let go…
Letting Go of the Lesser
I decided it was time to let go of those goods. It was time to let prosperity flow into our lives. All the goods were remaining in my brother’s apartment, since we rented our home and my parents moved else where.
I insisted it’s time to move the goods out from my brother’s place and throw them away. I felt strongly about it, though most of my family didn’t side with me. Eventually, they came around. Some of these goods were juice bottles, toys, cigarettes, etc.
We Throw Them Away in the Middle of the Night
My father especially still held onto his belief of keeping them. My father’s retirement savings were used to purchase the store and he was still holding onto it. But obviously, that chapter of our lives had passed. And it was time to move on.
A week ago, I had signed with a literary agent for my novel Enchanted Silence. I knew instinctively my life was turning in a different direction. But the only way to welcome good into my life was to give up the lesser. So my mother and I went and threw all these bags of goods. I can’t tell you how great I felt afterwards. I knew beauty was going to flow into my life.
Have you looked at loss differently in your life? How did you feel? Please share with me in the comments.

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