Every woman wants to live her best life. She wants to fulfill her highest potential. No one intentionally starts living an average life with an average job or relationship. It starts to happen when a woman is not connected to herself. The ONLY way you can live an inspired life is by claiming your worth!
Love Yourself
As cliched as this sounds, you have to love yourself wholly before you can claim your worth. As a simple practice, you can look at yourself in front of the mirror. Tell yourself what you love about your body. Think about your good qualities. Compliment yourself. Then, think about what you don’t like so much about yourself. Love those parts just as much!
Say No When You Want to
Women have a hard time doing this. Perhaps this goes to the way the world has conditioned women. This is one of the things I am practicing actively now. I am saying no when I want to. I don’t hesitate if I don’t want to do something anymore. I don’t beat around the bush. I feel good about my decisions and stand by them.
Say Yes to Your Desires
Don’t let your fears get in the way. Your desires are beautiful and a part of you. Embrace and accept your desires. When you say yes to your desires, you’re living your life to the fullest.
Embrace Your Imperfections
You are not perfect. Be comfortable with this and realize you are beautiful and marvelous. All of you! Even your flaws.
How do you claim your worth and empower yourself? Please share with me in the comments.

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